Critical Illness

Critical Illness Insurance and Important Safety Measure

A critical illness insurance policy refers to the insurance coverage that
helps you to handle expenses related life-threatening critical illnesses
and lifestyle diseases such as cancer, stroke, Parkinson’s disease
paralysis, live disorders, kidney failure, and other ailments



4 Reasons to Choose Instive Crititical illness Policy


Upto 15 Critical Illnesses Covered

The bigger health coverage, the lesser stress for you and that is exactly what we are offering


Payment in a Single Transaction

The bigger health coverage, the lesser stress for you and that is exactly what we are offering


Comprehensive Plans

The bigger health coverage, the lesser stress for you and that is exactly what we are offering


Option to Buy for 1 & 2 Years

The bigger health coverage, the lesser stress for you and that is exactly what we are offering

Why Do I Need

Who Should Buy Critical Illness Cover

People with High Pressure Jobs

Critical illnesses have a high association with high-pressure jobs. Many have stated that people work.

People Over 40 Years of Age

Once you cross 40 years, you are more at risk develop illnesses. It is practical to buy a critical illness.

People with Family History Illness

This type of health insurance plane pays your actual medical expenses on both reimbursement basis.


Our Price Plan














Real People, Real Reviews

Sonam Srivastava Research Wright

I heard about Plum through a LinkedIn post and rest as they say is history. I Goenka and I must tell you, he and the extended teams been breeze to work with. They ensured that thebest optimal medical coverage options.

Sonam Srivastava Research Wright

I heard about Plum through a LinkedIn post and rest as they say is history. I Goenka and I must tell you, he and the extended teams been breeze to work with. They ensured that thebest optimal medical coverage options.

Sonam Srivastava Research Wright

I heard about Plum through a LinkedIn post and rest as they say is history. I Goenka and I must tell you, he and the extended teams been breeze to work with. They ensured that thebest optimal medical coverage options.


Got questions? We've got answers


Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support matter Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered todeliver
top-notch support and services able.

Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support matter Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered todeliver
top-notch support and services able.

Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support matter Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered todeliver
top-notch support and services able.

Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support matter Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered todeliver
top-notch support and services able.

Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support matter Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered todeliver
top-notch support and services able.

More Than a 300+ Companies Have Moved to Instive


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